July, 2007 (Updated August 8, 2007)
Bourns Manufacturers Representatives
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Change in Case Length,Terminal Length and Width,
and Pad Layout Dimensions for Model SM-LP-5001
UPDATE: Date code of 0747 or older will appear on SM-LP-5001 transformers with unchanged
dimensions. Date code of 0749 or newer will appear on SM-LP-5001 transformers which include the
changes in dimensions as outlined in this Product Change Notification.
Effective December 1, 2007, the following changes will be made to Bourns
part number SM-LP-5001,
a UL-certified line matching transformer:
Case Length: 12.8 mm (Previous value: 12.5 mm)
Width: 1.0 ± 0.03 mm (Previous value: 0.6 ± 0.03 mm)
Length: 2.0 mm (Previous value: 1.1 mm)
Pad Width: 1.5 mm (Previous value: 0.75 mm)
Outside Pad-to-Outside Pad Length: 15.0 mm (Previous value: 14.5 mm)
Electrical performance of part number SM-LP-5001 will remain the same. The adjustment in the pad
width and length should be made to help ensure enhanced bonding of the terminal to the PC board.
The updated data sheet will be available on the Bourns website on December 1st.