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May, 2010
Bourns® Model PEC12 Update
In line with our commitment to continuous improvement of our products and manufacturing processes,
Bourns® Sensors and Controls Product Line is pleased to announce an update to our Model PEC12 12 mm
Contacting Rotary Encoder.
The update entails a change to the mold for the base of the product. In the photos below you will note the
difference between the old and the new mold. This mold change is being implemented to provide better
stability to the lead frame when the base is insert-molded. This change is only externally visible on product without
the switch option.
Old rear base New rear base
This manufacturing change does not affect form, t or function of the product. There are no changes to prices,
minimums or multiples for the upgraded product. The upgraded product will begin shipping with all current and
new orders.