This document applies to STM32CubeG4 MCU Package, for use with STM32G4 Series microcontrollers.
The CORDIC is a hardware accelerator designed to speed up the calculation of certain mathematical functions, notably
trigonometric and hyperbolic, compared to a software implementation.
The accelerator is particularly useful in motor control and related applications, where algorithms require frequent and rapid
conversions between rectangular (x, y) and angular (amplitude, phase) co-ordinates.
This application note describes how the CORDIC accelerator works on STM32G4 Series microcontrollers, its capabilities and
limitations, and evaluates the speed of execution for certain calculations compared with equivalent software implementations.
The example code to accompany this application note is included in the STM32CubeG4 MCU Package available on The examples run on the NUCLEO-G474RE board.
Getting started with the CORDIC accelerator using STM32CubeG4 MCU Package
Application note
AN5325 - Rev 1 - May 2019
For further information contact your local STMicroelectronics sales office.
1 General information
The STM32CubeG4 MCU Package runs on STM32G4 Series microncontrollers, based on Arm
Note: Arm is a registered trademark of Arm Limited (or its subsidiaries) in the US and/or elsewhere.
General information
AN5325 - Rev 1
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