Sensor data reception and command transmission over Bluetooth Low Energy
Support for multiple
STM32Cube function packs and boards
Available on Android and iOS app stores
Cross-platform user interface and functionality
Based on BlueST-SDK library
Data logging support
Data plotting support
Included serial console (stdout/stdin/stderr) over Bluetooth
Secure pairing (with pin) support
Data publishing on the cloud support
STBLESensor application is available for Android and iOS and shows the data
exported by a BLE device using the BlueST protocol.
The app shows different panels based on the data types exported by the firmware,
including: environmental data, MEMS sensor fusion, plot, activity recognition, carry
position, acceleration event, BlueVoice, speech to text, beamforming, sound source
localization, pedometer, switch, motion intensity, compass, cloud logging, node
All the data received by the app can be logged in CVS files and exported by e-mail.
If the firmware supports the functionality, the application can also show a serial
console to exchange string messages with the board. This functionality is also used
to upgrade the board firmware.
Both Android and iOS applications support the Bluetooth secure pairing with pin.
For Android it is also possible to use an NFC tag to read the pin and trigger the
connection with the node.
Product summary
BLE sensor application
for Android and iOS
Bluetooth low energy and
sensor technology SDK
BLE sensor application for Android and iOS
Data brief
DB3756 - Rev 2 - May 2019
For further information contact your local STMicroelectronics sales office.
1 Detailed description
The available panels shown by the application are:
Environmental data: displays the data from the environmental sensors (temperature, pressure, humidity,
MEMS sensor fusion: moves a cube using the quaternions computed by the sensor fusion library (if
supported by the firmware).
Plot: plots the available features.
Activity recognition: shows the result of the activity recognition algorithm library (if supported by the
Carry position: shows the result of the carry position recognition algorithm library (if supported by the
Acceleration event: displays events like single tap, double tap, orientation, pedometer detected by the
accelerometer component.
BlueVoice: receives the audio from a MEMS microphone (if available).
Beam forming: uses multiple ominidrectional microphones to create a directional one (if available).
Speech to text: streams audio data to different speech to text cloud providers (if available).
Source localization: localizes the sound source direction (if available).
Pedometer: shows the output of the pedometer algorithm (if supported by the firmware).
Switch: changes the LED status.
Motion intensity: shows the output of the motion intensity detection library (if supported by the firmware).
Compass: displays the board orientation with respect to the magnetic north (if supported by the firmware).
Cloud: sends board data to a cloud provider using the MQTT protocol.
Node status: shows the RSSI of a BLE signal and the battery level.
FFT amplitude: shows the Fast Fourier transform computed by the board (if supported by the firmware)
Level: shows the board inclination (if supported by the firmware)
AI Data Log: configures the data acquisition and annotates the acquired data to train a neural network (if
supported by the firmware)
Detailed description
DB3756 - Rev 2
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