Copyright © Yokogawa Test & Measurement Corporation
PX8000: Transient Power Measurement for Welding Machines
Measurement of transient power at welding
The PX8000 includes pow erful function s for ev aluating the performan ce of welding machines i ncludin g time control (time
setting for flow of current), cur r ent c ontr ol ( contr ol bas ed on detected amperage value) , waveform control , and more. The
PX8000 Preci sion Pow er Scope can measur e t he transi ent pow er on the primary and secondar y sides at starting and running
of a wel ding mac hine to ev aluate these ty pes of performance. The curr ent can be entered di rectl y, enabling hi gh-accuracy
measureme nt of transient changes. This leads to more signific ant contributi ons to performance .
Example of voltage, current, and power measurements
When the cur sor is brought to an area wher e the current is flowing ,
the transi ent power for t hat ar ea can be calculated.
Note: This is an example only and is not the waveform for an ac tual welding machine.
PX8000 Precision Power Scope
<PX8000 Application Sheet>
*An AC/DC current sensor can be used to enable measurements
up to 3000Apk.