Release Date: 8/21/14
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Revision: C
Product Change Notice (PCN)
Date: 09.15.2015
PCN Number: PCN-65690433R-01
To Our Customers:
We appreciate your use of CUI products. Our commitment in maintaining and improving
processes is demonstrated by plans to enhance our product quality, reliability and
manufacturability. The purpose of this notice is to inform you of a product change.
Product(s) Affected: VSK-S1 and VSK-S2 Series
Reason(s) for Change: Change in components
Description of Change: Due to supply chain issues to improve lead-times, color circle
inductor and PCB structure were changed.
Affected Date Code: November 1, 2015
Product Availability: November 1, 2015
Additional Information: None.
PCN Approval:
Product Marketing