October 2016
DocID017768 Rev 5
User manual
eMotion motherboard for MEMS adapter boards
The STEVAL-MKI109V2 (eMotion) is a motherboard designed to provide the user with a complete
ready-to-use platform for the demonstration of MEMS devices mounted on adapter boards.
The STEVAL-MKI109V2 uses an STM32F103RET6 microcontroller which functions as a bridge
between the sensor on the adapter board and the PC on which it is possible to use the Unico graphical
user interface (GUI) downloadable from the ST website or dedicated software routines for customized
This user manual describes the hardware included with the demonstration kit and provides the
information required to install the demonstration board and how to upgrade the firmware of the
For details regarding the features of each sensor, please refer to the datasheet available for each
individual device.
DocID017768 Rev 5
1 Demonstration kit des c ription ........................................................ 5
2 eMotion board installation ............................................................ 10
2.1 Hardware installation (Windows platforms) ..................................... 10
2.2 DFU ................................................................................................. 11
2.2.1 DFU on Windows .............................................................................. 12
2.2.2 DFU on Linux .................................................................................... 12
2.2.3 DFU on Mac OS ............................................................................... 13
3 Supported MEMS adapter boards ................................................ 14
4 Supporte d c om mands ................................................................... 16
4.1 Getting started ................................................................................. 16
4.2 Supported commands ..................................................................... 16
4.2.1 Commands list and description ........................................................ 17
4.2.2 Digital output accelerometers: supported commands ...................... 28
4.2.3 Analog output accelerometers: supported commands ..................... 29
4.2.4 Digital output gyroscopes: supported commands ............................ 30
4.2.5 Analog output gyroscopes: supported commands ........................... 31
4.2.6 Digital output magnetometers: supported commands ...................... 32
4.2.7 Digital output pressure sensor: supported commands ..................... 33
4.2.8 Digital output humidity sensor: supported commands ..................... 34
4.3 Quick start ....................................................................................... 34
5 Schematic diagrams ...................................................................... 35
6 Bill of materials .............................................................................. 37
7 Revisi on history ............................................................................ 40