ams AG T +43 3136 500-0
Tobelbader Strasse 30 F +43 3136 525-01
8141 Premstaetten
Bankverbindungen/ IBAN EUR AT28 1200 0763 1316 1100 BIC BKAUATWW DVR 0420352
Bankaccounts BIC BKAUATWW Firmenbuchgericht Graz UID/VAT ATU 28560205
UniCredit Bank Austria AG, Graz IBAN USD AT60 1200 0763 1316 1106 Firmenbuch Nr. FN 34109k
Premstätten, January 18, 2018
Process Change Notification PCN01-2018
Test Location Move and Test Platform Transfer for ENS210-LQFM
Dear Customer,
ams has to move the test from our current subcontracted test facility NXP Semiconductors in Taiwan
to our subcontracted test facility AMKOR ASSEMBLY & TEST in Shanghai. The facility change will
also require a test platform transfer for the affected product.
Product affected:
Reason for change:
Site consolidation.
Timing of change:
Completion by April 31, 2018.
Test Sites Details:
From: NXP Semiconductors
10. Chin 5th Road, N.E.P.Z. Kaohsiung 811, Taiwan , R.O.C.
To: AMKOR ASSEMBLY & TEST (Shanghai) Co.,Ltd.
Yinglun Road, Factory:No. 111, 200131 Pudong, Shagnghai, China
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Impact on Product:
No impact on the product as there will be no change in terms of form, fit, function, and reliability of
the devices.
Transfer Acceptance:
Verification of product will include material to be tested before and after the move as described in our
internal spec QTY459 Test Program Release with the exception that no SOTF (sample on the Fly
test with QA limits) will be done. A BinFlip and TC report will be also done.
Please be advised that unless we received your written refusal concerning this PCN in writing within
30 days, the PCN shall be deemed accepted.
Best Regards,
Dietmar Gleispach
ams AG
Director Operations Division EAS