F ox Saronix Ecliptek Raltron KDS Epson NDK CTS KSS Toyocom
F334X S1700 E C25 C04910 DSO751SA SG8002JF 2560NK CB3 FXO-31F TCO-787
F335X S1703 EP25 DSO751SB SG8002CA FXO-32F
S1750 DSO751SL SG710P FXO-37F
S1 80 0
S1 80 3
S1 85 0
F ox Saronix Ecliptek Raltron KDS Epson NDK CTS KSS Toyocom
F410x S1703 EC26 C04203 DSO751SV SG8002JF 2560TK CB3LV FXO-31FL TCO-787
S1800 EP26 C04310 DSO751SL SG8002CA FXO-32FL
S1803 SG710ECK FXO-37FL
S1 85 0
Pletronics Saronix Ecliptek Valpey-Fisher KDS Eps on NDK CTS KSS Toyocom
SM7700D S1950 EC2645 VFAC1BL DSO751SV SG8002CA 2770Y FXO-37F TFG-787RH3
K50 Crystal Oscillator Competitor Cross Reference
7 x 5 mm, 5V , S MD , C ry s ta l O s c illa to r < 68 MH z
7 x 5 mm, 3.3 V , S MD , C ry s tal Osc illato r < 7 5 MHz
7 x 5 mm, 3.3 V , S MD, C r y sta l O s c illa to r > 1 0 0MH z
© AVX Corporation 2003
All Information in this cross reference guide, should be checked by the customer for suitability of our products for their applications
AVX shall have no liability for the accuracy of the information contained within this cross reference
Clock Oscillators
Clock Oscillators