¸CMU200 Universal Radio Communication Tester
Testing Applications in Mobile Radio Communications
HTTP server
Video streaming
FTP server
Data link layer
Physical layer
Web browser
Video streaming
MMS client
IP / PPP / ...
Physical layer
Data link layer
Physical layer
Physical layer
2 ¸CMU 200 Applications
¸CMU200 goes Internet: testing data applications
The highly successful R&S®CMU200 uni-
versal radio communication tester, which
was originally designed as a pure RF tester
for the various mobile radio standards used
around the world, now enables addition-
al user groups to test voice and video tele-
phony as well as applications based on the
Internet protocol (IP), such as web browser
or file transfer.
Because of the increased transmission
rates and enormous computing power of
modern mobile phones, developers and
manufacturers are faced with new test
requirements due to the wealth of new
By means of a wide range of tests, the
¸CMU200 supports applications
based on circuit-switched connections,
such as short message service (SMS),
traditional voice transmission, or modern
video telephony. The same applies to IP-
data-based applications on the basis of
packet-switched connections.
Appealing compact solution
Both developing and providing data ap-
plications for mobile radio present a mul-
titude of new challenges. Most applica-
tions in data communications are based
on the Internet protocol (IP), which in
turn is based on the client-server princi-
ple. This means that a client uses a mo-
bile phone to request services that are
provided by a server in the communica-
tions network. The software for these
applications is usually developed on PCs;
after its implementation and extensive
computer simulations, the software is
ported to the mobile phone. To perform
further tests on the mobile phone itself,
a public mobile radio network or the sim-
ulation of such a network is required.
Up to now, radio networks could usu-
ally be simulated only with the aid of
complex setups. This is remedied by the
R&S ® CMU200, which is a very interest-
ing alternative for such tasks. Due to
the extensive possible settings it offers,
tests can also be performed on frequency
bands, for example, that are not neces-
sarily part of an available public radio
Before communications services can be
launched on the market, network opera-
tors must subject them to interoperability
tests to ensure that they operate smooth-
ly. With the multimedia message service
(MMS), for example, the correct exchange
of messages with the server implemen-
tation in the network or between mobile
phones from different manufacturers is
checked. Moreover, making objective
comparisons under user-definable and
randomly reproducible operating and test
conditions is another pivotal function this
target group needs.
Test setup
Application test setups basically consist
of a mobile phone, the R&S ® CMU200,
and a PC. The mobile radio tester, which
is connected to the mobile phone via
the radio interface, simulates the mo-
bile radio network. Via an Ethernet con-
nection, it accesses the IP-based com-
puter world, which can be either a lo-
cal area network (LAN), the Internet
or, at its simplest, a controller, where
the servers providing the communica-
tions services can be accessed. The us-
er usually accesses these services from
the mobile phone via mobile originated
calls. The R&S ® CMU200 bridges the gap
between wired data communications
and radiocommunications across various
protocol layers.