ams AG T +43 3136 500-0
Tobelbader Strasse 30 F +43 3136 525-01
8141 Premstaetten
Bankverbindungen/ IBAN EUR AT28 1200 0763 1316 1100 BIC BKAUATWW DVR 0420352
Bankaccounts BIC BKAUATWW Firmenbuchgericht Graz UID/VAT ATU 28560205
UniCredit Bank Austria AG, Graz IBAN USD AT60 1200 0763 1316 1106 Firmenbuch Nr. FN 34109k
Premstätten, March 6, 2019
Change Notification CN06-2019
Packing specification change for ENS210-LQFM
Dear Customer,
ams AG has to update the pack specification for ENS210-LQFM from the current vacuum pack (no
air applied during vacuum, only seal) to the standard vacuum pack (with air applied, MBB compact).
Reason for change: Move to standard packing procedure
Timing of change: Effective immediately
Impact on Product : No impact on the product as there will be no change in terms of
form, fit, function, and reliability of the devices.
Best Regards,
Dietmar Gleispach
ams AG
Director Operations Division EAS