Water & Wastewater
Xylem UV Disinfection Facility
Protects New Zealand Coastal Waters
As part of an upgrade to a wastewater treatment plant
near Auckland, New Zealand, an Ultraviolet (UV) dis-
infection facility from Xylem unit will be installed. The
UV disinfection is part of a plan to improve effluent to
an extent that will allow the local coastal waters to be
open to the public for the first time in 40 years.
Watercare, Services Ltd (WSL), the New Zealand-based
publicly owned water supply and wastewater treat-
ment company, commissioned the construction of a
UV Disinfection facility as a key process in the NZ $450
million (US $225 M) upgrade of the Mangere WTP,
near Auckland, New Zealand. The plant upgrade in-
cluded both construction of a new ‘state-of-the-art’
plant and full coastal restoration. Two of the four exist-
ing Oxidation Ponds, have already been demolished.
They will eventually be replaced by a natural harbour
foreshore. The improvement in water quality will allow
swimming and shellfish gathering, in an area that has
been off limits to the public for over 40 years.
The overall project delivery is being carried out by
Manukau Wastewater Services Ltd (MWS), under a
design/build contract. MWS is a consortium of both
local and international businesses; CH2M Beca, Bovis
Lend Lease, Fletcher Construction and New Zealand
Water Services.
The construction of new plant includes an upgraded
screening facility, nine new combined reactor/clarifiers
and a new tertiary treatment system using sand filtra-
tion in combination with UV Disinfection.
Basics of UV Disinfection
The UV disinfection facility is designed to reduce
Enterococci and Fecal Coliform levels of filtered and bi-
ologically treated influent, to within specified microbio-
logical requirements. This is achieved by using the phys-
ical effect of ultraviolet light. Within seconds of a water
borne organism coming into contact with the UV radia-
tion emitted from a UV Lamp, a photochemical reaction
is triggered in the organism’s DNA, preventing it from
multiplying, therefore rendering it biologically inactive.
Equipment Selection
The UV disinfection process is the final treatment before
effluent discharge. As the sole source of disinfection, it is
critical to the effectiveness of the entire treatment plant.
Therefore, in selecting a suitable supplier WSL complet-
ed extensive pilot plant trails, involving three separate
proprietary systems. In June 1999, Xylem’s WEDECO
unit was awarded the contract to supply their TAK 55
series UV disinfection equipment. The completed UV
Disinfection facility, with a maximum discharge rate of
16,000 l/s (365 MGD) and a total number of lamps close
to 8,000, is now the largest and most sophisticated
wastewater UV disinfection system in the world.
Case Story
The 12 channels in the UV gallery contain a total of 7776 300-watt UV
lamps. They achieve a 10,000 reduction in pathogens discharged into
the harbor. It is one of the largest UV treatment installations in the world.
The UV disinfection process is
the final treatment before ef-
fluent discharge.
Xylem Water Solutions Herford GmbH
Boschstr. 4 – 14
32051 Herford, Germany
Phone: +49 5221 930-0
© 2012 Xylem, Inc.
System Specifics
The Xylem UV disinfection facility is composed of 12
open channels, 17m (56ft) in length. Xylem installed
three banks of UV lamps within each channel. Both the
number of UV lamps in operation and the output power
of each UV lamp is automatically varied, according to
the influent flow conditions. Thus, the applied level of
disinfection is constant regardless of influent flow rate or
water quality. At the heart of Xylem’s TAK series is the
unique Spektrotherm® UV lamp. This lamp was specifi-
cally designed by Xylem to generate 3 - 4 times more
UV energy than standard low-pressure lamps. This en-
abled the entire UV facility to be installed with a total
footprint of under 800m2 (8,500sqft).
Advanced Control System
To ensure that the advanced properties of Xylem’s
Spektrotherm® UV lamp were fully exploited, the de-
velopment of a comprehensive system control philos-
ophy was essential. Although Xylem could draw upon
experiences gained in many previous installations, spe-
cific plant requirements were taken into consideration.
Each UV Channel operates as a ‘stand-alone’ system,
controlled by a dedicated Siemens PLC.
Supervisory control of each ‘stand-alone’ channel is
achieved through a Distributed Control System (DCS).
The use of the DCS allows the UV facility to be fully in-
tegrated into WSLs existing plantwide control system.
Xylem’s Electrical Engineering Manager, Jens Brede,
states,This form of control architecture ensures a high
degree of operational flexibility and redundancy.” He
continues, “It also allows the plant operators to view
the UV facility as part of the entire treatment process
and not only as an isolated unit”.
“Zero-Defect” Construction Philosophy
With the core design and manufacturing groups of
Xylem’s WECECO unit based in Herford, Germany, it
was essential that there was an effective flow of infor-
mation between Xylem, MWS and local contractors. As
a means of assisting this, Xylem developed manage-
ment plans in conjunction with MWS, covering all as-
pects of the design, fabrication, construction and test-
ing. MWS Project Engineer, David Rose explains, “The
Management Plans were used to define key tasks and al-
lowed us to monitor and control those tasks within the
overall construction program. Each phase was complet-
ed and checked on the basis of a ‘zerodefect philosophy’
that ensured issues were resolved as they occurred.
This ‘zero-defect philosophy’ was applied across all
disciplines; civil, mechanical, electrical and software.
For example, each key task in the civil construction was
inspected and signed off in accordance with agreed
criteria. This further assisted the installation of the vari-
ous pre-fabricated mechanical components. Another
example can be seen in the development of the con-
trol software. Full software simulations of the process
operation were carried out prior to installation, ensur-
ing that all normal and abnormal operating conditions
were known and accounted for.
During a recent meeting evaluating the completion
of construction, Watercare Services Ltd described the
Ultraviolet (UV) Disinfection facility, at the Mangere as
a world-class installation”.
Coastal Waters Opened Again
The technology developed by Xylem has enabled
them to provide a UV disinfection facility that offers a
safe, reliable and economic solution to the safe dis-
charge of effluent to coastal waters. The treated water
that is discharged into the harbour is very clean by in-
ternational standards. Fecal coliforms in the outflows
from the plant have been cut by 99.8 per cent. Other
pollutants, like nitrogen and ammonia, have been re-
duced heavily. There is a 10,000-fold reduction in virus-
es in water discharged from the plant.
The foreshore around the plant – for a distance of
about 13 kilometres – has been restored to conditions
comparable to those prevailing when the first waste-
water treatment plant was opened in 1960. About
300,000 native trees and plants have been planted on
the foreshore, and seven new beaches have been built.
Bird roosts have been established and, in the summer
of 2002-03, thousands of migratory seabirds returned
to the restored foreshore around Mangere. Work is be-
ginning on reopening Oruarangi Creek, which has spe-
cial significance for local Maori, to the sea. The creek,
which is just to the south of the plant, has been closed
to the sea for almost a generation.
For more information: www.wedeco.com