ASI Wall Plate Charger Installation Guide
Please Read Before Installing the Product!
1. Turn Off Power to the AC Outlet Before Installation.
2. NOT for Use with GFCI AC Outlets.
3. When Installed Correctly and Working, Green LED will appear in the USB
Connector Slot.
Wall Plate USB Charger Will Not Snap onto the AC Outlet
Wall Plate USB Charger Installed But Not Working, No Green LED
Automation Systems Interconnect, Inc
Innovative Interconnect and Interface Solutions
Wire Connection Screws are
Backed Out Too Far.
Solution: Access Side
Wiring Screws, Turn In
Enough to Accept Charger
and Make Contact with
Wall Plate Contact.
Wire Connection Screws are
Turned In Too Far, Not Making
Solution: Access Side
Wiring Screws, Turn Out
Enough to Make Good
Contact with Wall Plate