April, 2005
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Bourns Internal
Transformers Now Available in Lead Free Versions
All of Bourns
standard transformers are now available in lead free versions. The attached list notes the
part number for the standard version and the part number for the lead free version. With the exception
of SM-LP-5001 and SM-LP-5002, the addition of an “L to the part number defines the lead free version
of the standard product.
Both the SM-LP-5001 and SM-LP-5002 transformers are listed with United Laboratories (UL) and
British Approval Board of Telecommunications (BABT). Any revision in the part numbers would
require the qualification of the new” part number by UL and BABT. The qualification process requires
many months. For this reason, no “L will be added to the SM-LP-5001 or SM-LP-5002. All of the SM-
LP-5001 and SM-LP-5002 transformers shipped after March 27 (date code 0514) will be lead free.
The lead free versions of the SM-LP-5001 and SM-LP-5002 are compatible with customers’ current tin-
lead processing and with the higher temperature required in lead free processing. The lead free versions
of the SM-LP-5001 and SM-LP-5002 are identical to the tin-lead versions with the exception of the
absence of lead.
Custom products, including transformers and power chokes, will be evaluated for transition to lead free
as customers request product changes.
The accompanying lists also include the standard versus lead free part numbers for the balance of
Magnetics products. This information was released in November when the power chokes were
converted to lead free. The schedule of availability denotes the last month in which tin-lead versions
will be available for each model.
Updated specification sheets are available on the Bourns website, www.bourns.com, under
Reliable Electronic Solutions
Availability Standard Transformer (Price List) "leaded" and "lead free"
Leaded PN Lead Free PN
"L" Suffix
LM-LP-1001 LM-LP-1001L Y
LM-LP-1002 LM-LP-1002L Y
LM-LP-1003 LM-LP-1003L Y
LM-LP-1004 LM-LP-1004L Y
LM-LP-1005 LM-LP-1005L Y
LM-LP-1165 LM-LP-1165L Y
LM-NP-1001-B1 LM-NP-1001-B1L Y
LM-NP-1002 LM-NP-1002L Y
LM-NP-1003 LM-NP-1003L Y
LM-NP-1004 LM-NP-1004L Y
LM-NP-1005 LM-NP-1005L Y
SM-LP-5001 SM-LP-5001L Y
SM-LP-5001E SM-LP-5001EL Y
SM-LP-5002 SM-LP-5002L Y
SM-LP-5002E SM-LP-5002EL Y
2-x-xD 2-x-XDL Y
2-x-xJ 2-x-xJL Y
2-x-xW 2-x-xWL Y
3-x-xD 3-x-xDL Y
3-x-xJ 3-x-xJL Y
3-x-xW 3-x-xWL Y
PT23101 PT23101L Y
PT23102 PT23102L Y
PT23103 PT23103L Y
PT23104 PT23104L Y
PT23105 PT23105L Y
PT23301 PT23301L Y
PT23302 PT23302L Y
PT23303 PT23303L Y
PT23321 PT23321L Y
PT23401 PT23401L Y
PT23402 PT23403L Y
PT23403 PT23403L Y
PT23404 PT23404L Y
PT31408 PT31408 Y
PT66001 PT66001L Y
PT66002 PT66002L Y
PT66003 PT66003L Y
PT66004 PT66004L Y
PT66005 PT66005L Y
PT66006E PT66006EL Y
PT66007 PT66007L Y
PT66007E PT66007EL Y
PT66011 PT66011L Y
PT66012 PT66012L Y
PT66013 PT66013L Y
PT66013E PT66013EL Y
PT71949 PT71949L Y
PT73031 PT73031L Y
PT73173 PT73173L Y
PT73434 PT73434L Y
PT73455 PT73455L Y
PT74263N PT74263NL Y
PT74344E PT74344EL Y
PT75161E PT75161EL Y
PT75426E PT75426EL Y
SM74120E SM74120EL Y
SM74139E SM74139EL Y
SM74346E SM74346EL Y
SM75056E SM75056EL Y
SM75057E SM75057EL Y
SM75176E SM75176EL Y
SM75225E SM75225EL Y
SM75719E SM75719EL Y
SM76299 SM76299L Y
PT31407 PT31407L Y
PT532-1 PT532-1L Y
PT533-1 PT533-1L Y
PT534-1 PT534-1L Y
Availability delivery status