Keysight Technologies
Surveying the Best Ways to Test Antennas and
Antenna Arrays
Application Note
Part 6
02 | Keysight | Surveying the Best Ways to Test Antennas and Antenna Arrays - Application Note
As derived in Part 1 of this series, the radar range equation captures the essential
variables that define the maximum distance at which a given radar system can detect
objects of interest. Because the variables relate directly to the major sections of the
system block diagram, they provide a powerful framework for the essential process of
understanding, characterizing and verifying the actual performance of any radar system.
Parts 2 and 3 of this series defined the pulsed radar signal, described ways to measure
the power in those signals, and presented readily available ways to measure the
essential characteristics of pulsed signals: frequency, timing, power and spectrum. Part
4 examined the use of vector signal analysis (VSA) and wideband instruments—signal
analyzers and oscilloscopes—to measure frequency, phase, and more, in todays
increasingly complex radar signals. Part 5 provided a closer look at the testing, analysis
and optimization of the components and subassemblies used in today’s radar systems.
In our ongoing discussion of practical test methods, we’ll now take a closer look at the
testing of antennas and antenna arrays. This topic spans a variety of test setups and test
methods: far-field and near-field test ranges; multi-aperture and phased-array radar
systems; and radar cross-section (RCS) measurements.
Across these requirements, narrowband or wideband measurement techniques may
provide the desired results. Vector network analyzers can perform essential narrowband
measurements of magnitude (gain), phase and impedance, and they provide the
sensitivity needed to obtain excellent results when dealing with extremely small
signals in RCS testing. For wideband measurements, modular AXIe digitizers are the
foundation of a flexible reference solution designed to address multi-channel antenna
The radar series
This application note is the sixth in a
series that delves into radar systems
and the associated measurement
challenges and solutions. Across the
series, our goal is to provide a mix of
timeless fundamentals and emerging
In each note, many of the sidebars
highlight solutions—hardware and
software—that include future-ready
capabilities that can track along with
the continuing evolution of radar
Whether you read one, some or all of
the notes in the series, we hope you
find material—timeless or timely—that
is useful in your day-to-day work, be
on it new designs or system upgrades.
1. The appendix at the end of this application
note presents the range equation and the
system block diagram.