White Paper
Design Security in Stratix III Devices
September 2009, ver. 1.5 1
SRAM-based FPGAs ar e volatile and requir e external memory to stor e their configuration files, which results in thr ee
security risks: copying, r everse engineering, and tamper ing. This white paper details the security protection provided
by the Stratix III design security solution .
As FPGAs are increasingly used for critical system functions, protecting designs and intellectual property (IP)
implemented inside FPGAs is becoming more important. Alt e ra
St rat ix
III devices are the first high-density and
high-performance FPGAs to use the advanced encryption standard (AES) with both non-volati le and volatile key
programming to protect designs against copying, reverse engineering, and tampering. To make the Stratix III design
security solution more secure and to protect the AES key, many security features have been implemented. The
solution has been reviewed by external security consultants during the design phase and improvements have been
made based on their feedback. This white paper details the security protect ion provided by the Stratix III design
security solution.
SRAM-Based FPGA Design Security
SRAM-based FPGAs are volatile and require external memory to store their co nfiguration files, which results in three
security risks: copying, reverse engineering, and tampering.
Copying an FPGA involves making identical copies of the design without understanding how it works. A device can
be copied by either reading the design out of the memory device or capturing the configuration file when it is sent
from the memory device to the FPGA at power-up. The stolen design can then be used to configure other FPGAs.
This approach constitutes a primary form of IP theft and can cause significant revenue loss to the designer.
Reverse Engineering
Reverse engineering involves analyzing the configuration file to recreate the original design at the register transfer
level (RTL) or in schematic form. The recreated design can the n be modified to gain a competitive edge. This form of
IP theft is more complex than copying and usually requires significant technical expertise. It is also time- and
resource-intensive, and sometimes involv es more work than creating a design from scratch.
Modifying the design stored in the dev ice or replacing it with a different design is considered tampering. The
tampered device may contain harmful design code capable of causing a system to malfunction or steal sensitive data.
This type of design security breach is a particular concern in military, financial, and gaming applications. Today,
tampering is also becoming a concern in the consumer market where a design can be modified to access unauthorized
or premium services.
Stratix III Design Security Solution
Stratix III devices are SRAM-based FPGAs. To provide design security, S t ratix III FPGAs use a 256-bit security key
for configuration bitstream encryption. The secure configuration flow can occur after synthesis, fitting, and timing
analysis in the Quartus II software.
Secure configuration can be carried out in the following three steps:
Design Security in Stratix III Devices Altera Corporation
1. Program the security key into the Stratix III FPGA: The Quartus
II software requires the user to enter a 256-bit
user-defined key, whi c h is then used to gen erate a key program m ing file. The key program mi ng file containing
the key information is then loaded into the S tratix III FPGA through the JTAG interface. The key is then stored in
the 256-bit key storage, which can either be volatile (SRAM-based) or non-volatile (poly fuse-based).
2. Encrypt the configuration file and store it in the external memory: The Quartus II software requires the same
256-bit user-defined keys us ed in step 1 to encrypt the configuration file. The encrypted configuration file is then
loaded into the external memory, such as a configuration or flash device.
3. Configur e S tratix III FPGA: At sys tem power -up, the external memory device sends the encrypted configuration
file to the Stratix III FPGA. The Stratix III built-in AES decryption engine then uses the key to decrypt the
configuration file and configure itself.
Stratix III Key Programming Solutions
Altera provides different types of solutions for design security key programming via the JTAG interface, supporting
on-board and off-board key programming.
f The steps for programming the volatile and non-volatile key are included in AN 512: Using the Design
Security Feature in Stratix III Devices.
AES Encryption Algorithm
AES is a Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS-197) and has been approved to be used by U.S. government
organizations to protect sensitive, classified information. It is also expected to be widely adopted both commercially
and globally.
AES is a symmetric block cipher that encrypts and decrypts data in blocks of 128 bits . The encrypted data is subject
to a series of transformations including byte substi tutions, data mixing, data shifting, and key additions. AES comes
in three different key sizes: 128 bits, 192 bits, and 256 bits. The 256-bit AES key size is used in Stratix III FPGAs for
both security and efficiency. According to the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), studies have
shown that if one could build a machine that could discover a data encryption standard (DES) key in seconds, then it
would take that same machine more than 149 trillion years to discover a 256-bit AES key. The St ratix III AES
implementation has been validated as conforming to the FIPS-197 st andard.
AES Decryption Block
The main functions of the decryption block are:
Determine whether the configuration data needs to be decrypted.
Determine the security mode.
Decrypt the data stream and decompress the data, if needed; otherwise, configure the device.
Prior to receiving encrypted data, the 256-bit security key must be entered and stored in the device. You can choose
between a non-volatile security key and a volatile security key with battery backup. The non-volatile key and the poly
fuse key verify bit (which indicates a poly fuse key is present) are stored in one-time programmable po ly fuses,
whereas the 256-bit volatile key and the volatile key verify bit (which indicates a volatile key is present) are stored in
volatile key registers that are backed up with external battery pow er.
Key Storage
The security key is stored in poly fuses and volatile key registers inside the Stratix III FPGA . Poly fuses are
non-volatile and one-time programmable. Volatile key storage requires an external backup battery that allows the key
to be stored in the event the device is powered down. The security key can be programmed into the Stratix III FPGA
during regular manufacturing flow, with the FPGA either on-board (for both volatile and non-volatile keys) or
off-board (for non-volatile key only).