Low CTE Value
Controlled Dimensional Stability
Low Dissipation Factor
Low & Stable Dielectr ic Constant
High Flexural Strength
UL 94 V-O Rating
P.O.Box 69 • 136 Coonbrook Road
Petersburgh,NY 12138
TEL: 518-658-3202 • FAX: 518-658-3988
TOLL FREE: 800-833-1805 • FAX: 800-272-2503
Mullingar Business Par k
Republic of Ireland
TEL: +353-44-9395600
FAX: +353-44-9344369
702 Se-Sung Plaza
366-4Yatap-dong Bundang-ku
Republic of Korea
TEL: 82-31-704-1858/9
FAX: 82-31-704-1857
Microwave Radios
High Speed Digital Work Stations
Satellite Antenna Systems
Passive Components
High Layer Count MLBs
High Speed Chip Test MLBs
Taconic has over 35 year s of exper ience coating
fiberglass fa br ic with PTFE (polytetrafluoroethylene).
This enables Taconic to manufacture copper clad
PTFE/woven glass laminates with exceptionally well
controlled electrical and mechanical properties.
Taconic TLE laminates are engineered to provide
electrical, and mechanical properties to meet the
requirements of complex microwave and high
speed digital applications .The low Z-axis CTE of TLE
laminates provides excellent plated through hole
reliability.The low ther mal expansion proper ties in the
X and Y plane ensure high relia bility in surface mount
applications .The dielectric constant (Dk) exhibits
minimal change over temperature.The Dk is typically
offered at 2.95,with a tolerance of ±.05.
TLE laminates can be sheared,dr illed, milled, and
plated using standard methods for PTFE/woven fiber-
glass materials.The laminates are dimensionally sta-
ble,and exhibit vir tually no moisture a bsorption dur-
ing fabr ication processes.
TLE laminates are generally ordered clad on one or
both sides with 1/2,1, or 2 oz.electrodeposited cop-
per foil.Contact our Customer Service Department
for alter nate claddings.
TLE laminates are tested in accordance with IPC-TM
650.A Cer tificate of Compliance containing actual
test data accompanies each shipment.
See “How to Order”on back page for a complete
product listing.