Services & Support
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What will the customer see in this release?
Product : S33xE, S36xE, MS271xE, MT821xE, MS202xB, MS203xB, MS202xC, MS203xC, MS2720T, MT822xB, MT8220T
Application Package : V3.30
Release Date : Quarterly Release October 2018
Information below may not apply to every model/option in Product list
-> Software - TETRA
[SPH-3853] External - Used Training Sequence symbols to determine BER for both allocated and unallocated signal bursts.
*** BUG FIXES ***
-> Software - ISDBT/SFN
[SPH-3731] Fixes an issue where over a 100 ISDBT files were saved into a folder which resulted in the unit slowing down in time. Files are now saved in multiple folders with date
and timestamp.
-> Software - VNA
[SPH-4026] Fixes an issue where the application would hang in Transmission Measurement mode when recalling a set up file to put the unit into Cable and Antenna Analyzer
Mode, and then attempting to run an OSL calibration.
[SPH-4028] Fixes an issue where the SPA Amplitude Menu would show up in Transmission Measurement Mode.
Services & Support
Copyright© ANRITSU. All rights reserved.
[SPH-4605] Fixed an issue in VNA mode where glitches would appear at 375MHz and 1500 MHz after a calibration.
-> Software - SPA and Sub-apps
[SPH-3745] Fixed a corner case error with averaging in Interference Analysis Field Strength measurement
[SPH-3951] Disabled the use of Start Freq and Stop Freq in Interference Analysis mode. Center Freq is the proper way to set frequency in this mode.
[SPH-4547] Fixed an issue with field strength limits under V/m units setting
-> Software - TETRA
[SPH-3570] Fixed a bug in TETRA where some units would not recall the correct Tx Output pattern as part of a recalled measurement or setup
[SPH-3943] Fixed an issue in TETRA app where recalling a measurement or setup would not correctly recall the Tx pattern.
-> Software - OBSAI
[SPH-3738] Fixed an issue where the system time would not recall properly under some saved measurement conditions
-> Software - CPRI
[SPH-3738] Fixed an issue where the system time would not recall properly under some saved measurement conditions