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Alerts for BCM4343W IoT Starter Kit via
Bluemix IoT Real-Time Insights
By Bryan Chen
This application takes the previous cloud application AV01 one step further by utilizing
IBM Bluemix’s IoT services to generate email notifications triggered by board sensor
- Avnet BCM4343W IoT Starter Kit
- Cypress WICED Software Development Kit (SDK) version 3.7.0 or later
- A Serial console application (such as TeraTerm or Putty)
- IBM Bluemix Account
Application Description
The main function of the application is to add push notification capability to the previous AV01
application. This is achieved through IBM’s Bluemix IoT services and Node RED, an easy to use tool
for wiring together various devices, services and API’s.
First, this application publishes light sensor data to the cloud periodically, which is rerouted through
Node RED to the Bluemix Services. Then, the BCM4343W starter kit board is registered as a device
within Bluemix Service with its unique Device ID, briefly used in the last recipe. Once this link is
established, the “Rules” services are utilized to establish an IF THEN condition to trigger email
notifications based on a light sensor threshold. These email notifications are sent directly from the
Bluemix servers. Alternatively, this rule may be modified to work with other IFTTT events.
1. Please Complete Part 1 of this Tutorial if not Already:
2. Set up your Bluemix Environment
a. Register and log on to the IBM Bluemix site:
b. If this is your first time logging on, you will be prompted with the following dialogue to set
up your Bluemix environment. Accept the terms and conditions.
Page 2
c. Make sure the region is selected as “US South” and enter a unique organization name.
d. Next, give a unique name for your first space.
e. When finished, click “I’m Ready” and give Bluemix a minute to set things up.
3. Create your Bluemix Application:
a. You should now be redirected to the console page of IBM Bluemix:
b. Scroll down and click on the “Take Advantage of IoT” box.
c. Give your application a unique name, leave the rest of the fields as is, then clickcreate.
d. Bluemix will take 2-10 minutes to start your application and you will see the status
change to indicate this.