2012.11 Ver.00
ISD15D00/3800 trouble shooting manual
1 Description
This document describe troubleshooting steps and methods of ISD15D00 and ISD3800. User
can check problems with check list or reference the check steps of chapter3: VPE + Dongle +
Demo board.
2 Check list:
Environment1: VPE + Dongle + Demo board
Check clock(3.2)Check CLK CFG by VPE & check J9 Jumper* if use EXT_RES or XTAL
Check CFG(3.1)
Already burn device(3.4)?
Environment2: VPE + Dongle + Users board with ISD15D00/3800
Check clock(3.2)Check CLK CFG by VPE & check crystal or resistor for EXT_RES
Check CFG(3.1)
Already burn device(3.4)?
Environment3: Users MCU + Demo board
Check SPI commands sequence(5.1) and reset signal
Check SPI waveform by scope(3.6). Also check if SSB pull high after command.
Already burn device(3.4)?
Check clock(5.4)Check CLK CFG & check J9 Jumper* if use EXT_RES or XTAL
Check CFG(5.5)
Check status byte(5.6)
General check: for any ISD3800 application environment
Check if Flash is empty. Check system VMs: POI VM, PU VM and Wakeup VM. Check
Understand timing
Know how to unlock a device which is locked by bad flash content.
Know how to solve the programming difficulty under certain configurations.
J9s printing Ext_Res and XTAL are reversed. Be careful Jumpers position.
2012.11 Ver.00
3 VPE + Dongle + Demo board:
Demo BoardISD-DEMO3800 or ISD-DEMO15D00
Example projectC:\Program Files\ISD-VPE15D00\ISD15D00example_1\ISD15D00example_1.prj